Thursday, April 29, 2010

Affording a transplant to save your life

The other night I was watching a program on TV talking about getting a transplant in America. The way they do it is they put you on a list for the certain body part you need and you could be on this list for years! Whether you get that part or not depends on the blood type of you and the donor or the demand for the part. Money also plays a huge part in getting the right transplant at the time you need it. If you were dying and needed a transplant as soon as possible and you could not afford one and you had to wait on a list for a long period of time, you may lose your life. When your life is at stake, being put on a list is not something that I see as fair. You want to fight for your life and waiting for a long time and having to pay an extreme amount of money should not determine your self worth or right for life.

There was an American man who got a lot of publicity because when he was told he was going to die unless he got a liver transplant and from there he was put on a waiting list. He waited on the list for two years and when he felt he was getting worse in health he went to China and within two weeks of being there he received his transplant and went on living wit his life. The controversy of his story is that China has a bigger supply of these body parts because they are taking them from recently executed prisoners. These prisoners have no clue that when they die their parts will be taken from them and given to an American. The man who got his part was informed of how he got his new liver and after finding out how he responded that it didn't change anything. He was still grateful for the liver because now he can continue to live his life.

If I needed to get a transplant to live I would do the same thing, as long as no one is getting killed purposely for me to have it then I feel there is nothing wrong. It is my right to fight for my life.

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